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upon a wishing star

♥ Be happy everyday

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    spontaneous applause.

    Design: materialisti-c

    Naive? Perhaps.
    Date / Time : Saturday, April 16, 2016 / 10:30 AM
    Hello there!

    I haven't wrote in awhile, because I've been really busy with work. Also, my life has been less than interesting so I haven't found the motivation to write. But today, on a rare Saturday morning where I can find some time to myself, I'll write about something that's on my mind. I hope it's ok. It's more of rambling actually.


    All my life people has told me that I'm a relatively naive and silly person - I believe in good things and kindness in people. Now, many people believe in that. But in my circle of friends? I'm the rare few. A few friends of mine once told me that I always see the good in everyone, and that's probably what makes me naive and a little dumb? in the first place anyway.

    Is it wrong to be naive and believe in all the good in the world? Perhaps. But it's up to the individual's opinion, isn't it so? Today, I'm going to write about how naive people think. Yes, it sounds like an extract from a children book. But hey, if we were taught to believe in stuff at such a impressionable age, doesn't that show something?


    1. Kindness asks for no returns.

    Have you ever waited for a taxi along a road and see someone who's a little down the road waiting for a taxi too? Have you snatched for the taxi, or allow the taxi to go to that person? I've always done the latter, because I believe that I can make that person's day a little better by doing so.

    Do I stand to gain anything from that? No. I'll probably never see him/her again. But that's ok, because when you make someone smile and happy, you feel all warmth and happy inside as well. That's the joy in sharing kind feelings, it's warm and cuddly and comfortable.

    If you do kindness to ask for returns, you'll never feel satisfied. If you do kindness just to do kindness, you'll feel complete everyday. Yes, your conscious doesn't eat you up at the end of the day. You're not afraid of karma. Sounds unfamiliar? Because that's not what realistic people do. That's what naive people do. And we go to sleep feeling amazing, everyday.


    2. True love is possible.

    Hey, call me a hopeless romantic, but I believe that we'll only be able to find one "the one" in our life. It's the feeling when the stars align, the universe is ok again, and all the problems seem so insignificant. It's that feeling inside of you, when you first set eyes on that person. It's that look that tells you "Ah there you are. I've been looking for you my entire life". It's a feeling you can't shake off, no matter how hard you try.

    The one person, is the one who debunks all your silly little principles. All the lessons you learned from being hurt, from your past relationships, they disappear. You feel like a child again, falling crazy into a love that will possibly hurt you time and again. But you fall anyway, because this time feels different. He/she feels different.

    Yes, people tell me that love is not always that pure and innocent. Love is painful, and people hurt you for a million reasons. Heck, people have often asked me "Joanna, you've been hurt so many times in relationships. How do you find the strength to jump into another one again?". Well, you just do. You keep believing, even when the universe and jerks give you a million reasons not to.

    You know why? Because you believe that the next one might be a great lesson that you'll take along with you until "the one" comes along. And when you meet "the one", you'll be glad you had all those lessons. You'll be glad it didn't work out with the rest, you'll be thankful. Every moment, every failed relationship, every tear and smile, led up to this person.

    Sounds dreamy, and completely out of a drama plot? Possibly. But that's what I always believed in. And this thinking may be but one of the few in this realistic world. But that's ok. Because I believe that there's still a little hopeless romantic in everyone. No matter how much hurt, how long time has passed, that hopeless romantic doesn't die. It never will.

    Call me naive, but I like to think that way.


    3. Life is going to magically work out.

    Yes, it will. Don't ask me how, or why. But someday, your dreams will come true. You'll find true love. You'll find that everything fits perfectly, and you're right where you wanted to be all along.

    Life is going to figure itself out, and then it will help you figure out. I promise you, it will always work out. Even if you're 30 and working in a boring corporate job? You'll go home to the warmest family and the most beautiful kids you can ever find. How do I know it's the most beautiful and the warmest? Because you love them. And that's enough to make everything work.

    Yes, bills and expectations and mortgage loans exist. But in this universe of endless possibilities, it will work out. I don't know how, and I don't know when. But I know it will work out, and I know you'll just have to keep believing in that for it to happen. If you believe hard enough, everything will be fine someday. And the harder you believe, the faster that someday will come.

    Naive? Yes. Stupid? Perhaps. True? I don't know. But I know one thing. It doesn't hurt to believe. It doesn't hurt or kill you to be a little positive. It doesn't make your life any worse to believe that good things can happen to you. It may always disappoint, but so long as you keep believing, it will do you no harm at all. In fact, it will get better. It always does.


    Now that's 3 very lame, and naive thinking that I always keep in mind. Stupid? Perhaps. But it's ok. Because I'm a happier person like this. You may be realistic and smart, but are you happy? If you think that happiness is anything less than the most important thing, you're a very pitiful person. If you're happy, it doesn't matter how much you have. It always doesn't matter.

    Happiness is the lazy Sunday afternoons where you hug and talk about lame nothings. Happiness is waking up and telling the sun how today will be an amazing day. Happiness is falling asleep at night smiling. Happiness is all of that, and so much more, yet so much less.

    Naive? Yes. Happy? Definitely.


    Prophets - A.C. Newman. It's the song from How I Met Your Mother, where the group debunks all the fears of falling and takes the leap across their building into the next. It's the leap that helps them leap into a new year, into new hopes.