Date / Time : Wednesday, January 20, 2016 / 3:29 PM
Hello there!
I was spending my time re-watching Glee ((yes I know I've watched it a million times)) and I came across the classic episode from season 6: The Wedding. For those who aren't great fans of Glee, it's the big wedding between long-time lesbian couple, Brittany and Santana. Of course, we also get to witness the spontaneous wedding between Kurt and Blaine, our all time favourite gay couple.
The episode talked a lot about love, about loss, and more importantly, the importance of timing in love. Being a supporter of LGBT relationships, I seldom find myself getting defensive when people are against such concepts. I believe that love is love, and we shouldn't prioritise nor discriminate any forms of it. Is that not so? You may beg to differ, but my opinion stands.
Today, I want to talk about a few things I took away, most significantly, from the episode. Glee taught me a lot about life, achieving dreams, and acceptance. But this episode, it taught me a little something about love. Or maybe, reminded.
#01: We don't only find true love once
A common stereotype is that we can only find one true love, the logic behind being only meant for one other person in this world. It commonly claims that there is only 1 person who is truly perfect for us. I don't deny the possibility of that, but how often do we get to find someone who is a 100% match for us? If we find someone who is a 99% match, is that not true love?
True love isn't always finding that 100%, but finding someone whom you truly want to be with, and find yourself to love that person day after day without fail. We don't stop loving them, whether they are gone or they stayed. But we don't just get to meet 1 true love, sometimes we have the privilege of meeting more than one.
Why do I say so?
Burt (Kurt's father) lost his wife to cancer when Kurt was young, having brought up his child alone. Somewhere in his 40s, he met Finn's mother, Carole. Having lost her husband when Finn was young as well, she and Burt found each other. In the episode, Burt quotes this:
"Twice in my life, I have been lucky enough to meet the love of my life. And both of those times, I have married that love."
True love is not always finding 1 person who's 100%, but finding someone who's probably a 90% but choosing to overlook that 10% because the love is so real and so genuine. So here's against all the people who insist that they have lost their one true love and will never be able to find another. Yes, it may not work for everyone to find more than one true love in their life; but don't give up on that possibility because of a common stereotype written by a bunch of kids on Tumblr. Don't shut the door on finding a second true love, because that possibility only becomes impossible when you choose to walk away from it.
If we find hard enough, and maybe somewhere in our lives... where we have lost our true love, we'll find a new love sprouting. Maybe, another true love as well.
#02: Marriage isn't as easy as we think it is
Many a times, in our teenage years, we think that our love is so genuine and real and self-sacrificing that we tend to forget a strong love that stood through the test of time... Our parents' love. Having been influenced by television drama plots, we think that our parents won't understand our love because they wouldn't have sacrificed as much as we did for ours.
Marriage, is two people coming together, and telling one another that they want to be together for the rest of their lives. That, despite all the obstacles ahead, they want to be with each other for the next years until the end. That, at the end of the day, they want to hold each other on their deathbed.
Yes, marriages sometimes don't work out. Sometimes, it ends. But marriage isn't as easy as we see it. Love is love, but marriage is love that vows to stay through tough and easy times alike. We fall in love, a lot for some of us, but how many can we truly say that we want to go through marriage with? How often can we look at a person's flaws and say that we want to live with that flaw for the rest of our lives? That's what marriage is.
Marriage, is living with the flaws and the strengths. It's going home to each other's face everyday, going to bed together every night. It's waking up to their morning breath, and telling yourself that you chose this over any crazy, flirty, young, wild, carefree life you could possibly have. Why? Because burning toasts with them is so much more worth your while than partying all night.
Why do I say so?
During the officiating, Burt (the officiating person) quoted this:
"Love and marriage is when two people say to one another, I love you because I love you, and I know this is going to be one heck of a ride, but I don't wanna do it, unless I can do it with you."
Marriage is going to be one heck of a ride, as with love. Except, marriage is one heck of a long ride, for the rest of your lives (if possible). But despite knowing it's going to be tough for the rest of your lives together, and that being single could possibly make your lives easier, you want to do it because you can do it together. Love is difficult, but marriage is that difficult love that lasts for a lifetime. Yet you don't want to do it, unless you can do it with each other.
That shows the strength of the love, originally, for two people to decide that they want to do this with one another. That, there is only one person (at that point in time) that you want to do this with.
Marriage is difficult, and complicated sometimes. But marriage is also simple. It is love that lasts for a lifetime. It is love, that decides to stay together despite it all.
#03: Love is spontaneous, and sometimes untimely
You know how we always dream of meeting our true love in the most perfect scenario possible, often affected heavily by the latest Nicholas Sparks book we read? Sometimes, love isn't this way.
Love isn't always meeting the boy in the park when he accidentally knocks you over while skateboarding. Love isn't meeting him in the bookstore where you both happened to pick up the same book at the same time. Love, also isn't meeting on the Eiffel tower and sharing a kiss at the top of it.
Sometimes, love is seeing that cute boy walk through the door and having music play in your head. Love is stealing glances, love is finding love in the least expected places and time. We can't plan the time we will meet our true love, it happens. We can't decide when or where we would meet him/her, it happens. Sometimes, we won't be ready for it. This is what leads to heart breaks and tears. Sometimes, we have to take a leap of faith and be spontaneous about this love.
And maybe, just maybe, that love will bring us so much more than we expected.
Why do I say so?
During the wedding, Kurt and Blaine spontaneously decided to get married. Was it planned at all? Not really, at least not on their part. But they did anyway, and they were ready long before they knew they were. They did not plan the wedding, perfect tuxedos or carefully selected flowers... They simply had the perfect partners.
Yet, it was one of the most beautiful wedding that made them happier so much earlier. They could have gotten married years later, like Kurt wanted to. They could have rebuilt their relationship slowly, and endure their love through the test of time again. However, they chose to get married there and then. Because Carole quoted: "We haven't wasted one day since we met...'re going to make mistakes, and that's ok. I have made so many... ...but you just have to take every second of everyday, and squeeze it as tight as you can. Just wring every last bit out of it."
We never know when the end is, but yet Blaine and Kurt realised that to wring every bit of their everyday, they wanted to be with each other there and then. That, despite being completely unprepared and taken by surprise, they wanted to make this possible mistake with each other. They wanted to take every next second of everyday since they were pronounced husband and husband, to love each other. As husbands, joint in marriage.
And that's love. Yes, we can always plan our wedding and our house. However, how can you plan meeting the man/woman of your life? How can you predict the time and place you'll find him/her. How do you know when is the right time to get married? Is it when you're financially stable, when your parents keep pushing you, when you apply for HDB together, or is it simply when you know in your heart that you can't spend a minute more without being married to each other?
Is love planned? Is love when you got together on the most romantic date possible, when he kneels down and buys you flowers to ask you to be his girlfriend? Or is love when you share a kiss after a quarrel and he just ask you to be with him because he can't stand the thought of losing you after a fight? Is love considering the relationship and picking a perfect date to say yes, or is love saying yes after you run in the rain because he makes you so genuinely happy that you can't imagine life without holding his hands?
Love is spontaneous, and love is wringing every bit of everyday for each other. It's jumping into a completely not logical decision because you don't have to think when you're with the person. It's saying yes/I do because you don't want otherwise. It's getting married at 20, or falling in love at 14, because at that point, you didn't care how ready you were... You loved that person with all of your heart and as did that person.
// #04: Love is seeing the best in a person
This is a common understanding, and I'm just reiterating this point because that episode showed me so much of it.
Why do I say so?
Brittany has always felt stupid in the first few seasons, having had a GPA of 0.00. People often called her stupid, an insult she took to heart. Santana, her best friend, always saw the best in her. Santana always thought that Brittany was a genius, and never once called Brittany stupid despite hanging out with her everyday.
In the episode where they got married, during her vows, Brittany quoted: "The world seemed so scary and confusing. It was just too fast. It made me feel dumb, just because my brain worked differently."
Santana never once made Brittany feel afraid and confused or that Brittany was too slow. She never once made Brittany feel dumb, despite the world claiming so. And Santana always saw the best in her, as did Brittany with Santana. Santana always saw the genius in Brittany, and that was such a strong sign of their love. That when the entire world, saw Brittany as a stupid person, Santana never did.
During Kurt's vows, he quoted:
"You don't ask me to come out of the shadows. You help me move away anything that's blocking the sun."
While Kurt always hid in the shadows, and never dared to show his ambitions, inner desires and his amazing talent... Blaine saw it all. Blaine saw the brave and strong man that Kurt was, and never once tried to tell Kurt to become someone that the society would accept. Instead, Blaine pushed away the dark things that was towering over Kurt, and let Kurt shine the way he should.
He gave Kurt the courage to be himself, however different he may be from the stereotype. Blaine brought the darkness away, without once trying to get Kurt out of his comfortable space. He never tried to make Kurt uncomfortable and make Kurt adapt, he simply tried to make the best out of the space because he knew that Kurt was amazing the way he already was.
If Blaine never saw the best in Kurt, he wouldn't have been able to do what he did.
Love, is acceptance. It's seeing the best in someone even when the world doesn't. It is the world telling you that "this person is horrible" and deciding otherwise. There is no logic, it is a gut feeling you simply can't get rid of. It's wearing these crazy shades that block out the world's stereotypical thoughts about that person, and seeing him/her for who you believe he/she is.
Yes, you may say it's stupid to think this way. That sometimes, outsiders see things clearer. But you can't deny that love makes people see the best in a person, however horrible the person may be. That despite knowing they are horrible people who are indecent and nasty... they may have a kind heart towards their family. Love is that, and so much more.
Love is seeing through the flaws, and pulling out the strength. Love is watching this person stand at this point, and moving the spotlight to shine on them. It is telling him/her to stand there, because you're coming to get him/her.
Being with someone is denying the "truth" that they are horrible lovers just because they are horrible people. Being with someone is telling yourself that "I don't care what the world thinks, I just want to be with you because you make me happy". It is simpler than what others see/think. It is telling yourself that you couldn't care less about what others say about your lover, because all you can see is the beautiful smile he/she has when he/she is with you... and realising that you are smiling unknowingly while thinking about it, because just the thought of him/her makes you so happy.
That episode taught me so much more, but yet it taught me these important things about love. You may not agree with what I said, but I believe that a part of it still resonates with whoever is reading this. Love is love, and love is so much bigger and simpler than we think it is.
For those who do not believe in LGBT relationships for religious reasons... Here's a quote that Burt said during the show that I believe in so much.
"...and under a God, for sure if he believes in love, then he fully endorses the loving marriages of these two wonderful couples."
Amen to that.
My love is your love (Glee). While they sang this song as a team-building song during season 3, I felt like it was a romantic song anyhow. Because true love is having nothing able to tear you apart. Either ways, I hate to hear a song post-Finn.
The line between our years.
Date / Time : Wednesday, January 13, 2016 / 11:24 AM
Hello there!
It's been a slow and lazy mid-week morning, and I think I'm feeling extra moody due to a possible slight hang-over from drinking with Cheryl last night. Not really, but I think I'm just tired and really sick. The weather a killer, so everyone should take care!
Anyway, I've been listening to Lea Michele's cover of Make You Feel My Love, a personal favourite of mine from the entire series of Glee. No, I am not going to make a list of my favourite Glee covers. I loved that song, because of the emotions Michele put into the song with her true feelings regarding the death of Glee co-star and real life boyfriend, Cory Monteith.
Either ways, it got me thinking of a rather morbid topic - Death. Now, death is inevitable and without warning. Apart from dying from old age and illnesses where a possible time period is predicted, death is itself, unpredictable. Even when we can predict the time period of death, we will never be able to determine the exact timing beforehand.
This often leaves us with inspirational quotes like Leave No Regrets where we are taught to treat every moment like our last. Personally, I'm not a person who afraid of death. Not that I'm looking for it, I just don't believe that we should be afraid of something that is inevitable. I am afraid of pain, but I am not afraid of death.
Yes, I am afraid of losing the people around me. I hate the idea of never being able to see them, or hear them again. But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of death. I'm simply afraid of loss.
Today, I decided to write a rather, awkward letter. I do hope that it would make sense a few years down the road though.
"The day I die."
Dear whoever this may be,
the day I die should be a joyous one. I do hope that I would have made my dreams come true by this point. Don't remember me by the moments before my death, I must have looked horrible with a pale face and no blusher to look alive. I must look like death. There there, the pun was intended.
Please remember me by the moments I lived. Remember me by my happiest days, whenever they were. Remember the girl who danced freely on stage, basking in the spotlight. Remember that young girl who laughed out loud in public, and walked with a little jump. Please remember when I jumped for joy every time I was excited, and giggled when I was around someone I really liked.
Don't remember me by the days I was in pain, but remember the days I cried. Remember the day I cried at my first heart break, I never felt so alive then. Please remember the day I cut my wrist so bad it bled a lot, I never felt so near to death until that point. But don't remember the pains I felt in my later days, I must have groaned a lot and acted really whiney. I'm sorry.
When you think of me at my funeral, remember me as if I were there. If I was at my funeral, I'd be smiling. I'd be thinking of the moments I connected with myself, the best memories I shared with myself. When I was singing to Glee at home alone, acting as if I was a famous pop singer. I'd laugh at the times I danced a little when I was listening to a song on the road. It must have looked funny to onlookers.
Please remember me by those moments. Please think of the happiest days you had with me when we were alive, when the craziest nights made us feel young. Please remember me by the day I cried in dance so badly - 27 April 2012. Don't remember me by the mundane days I went to work and then went home. Don't remember me by my dullest moments.
Think of the times I made a personal connection with you, whether it was singing to our favourite song or sharing an intimate moment on a cold night. Please remember me by my fondest days, you'd know when they were.
While this is an inevitable Goodbye, I will live forever in the memory of those who care to remember me. For my death signifies the beauty of life, for its glory and shortcomings. Don't mourn my death like I should have lived longer, because I lived a life worth living. I lived a happy life, long or short. I was never a person fond of a long life anyway, and I'm very grateful to have been given a life thus far.
Please take care of the people I love, they must be crying so badly. If my parents are alive, remind them of the youngest memory of me. The end of my life, should highlight the beginning as well. If my family cries, please remind them that I was always the one who made everyone burst in laughter with silly antics. I'm sorry I can no longer do that, but I do hope that reminding them of the times I did so would make them smile a little.
If my friends are crying, please scream at them. They'd know better that I would hate to watch them cry. If I have no friends, that's ok too. I was never fond of a huge funeral with friends and family gathering over the loss of my life anyway.
My life was beautiful, because I laughed a lot. I laughed in the easiest days, and laughed in the toughest rides. I laughed, and loved. I was given the privilege of loving, having found true love oh so many a times. I was given the chance to travel, to explore the wilderness beyond the city. I was given the opportunity to fight for my dreams, and I never once regretted the decisions I made.
I was able to party while I was young, get drunk and wasted. I was able to take romantic walks on windy nights while holding the man I loved. I was able to study hard for my examinations, and achieve higher education than most of the people walking on the face of Earth is able to now. I was able to dance on stage, a lot in fact. I was able to find a dream, and that was what made my life worth living anyway.
Don't cry for me, but celebrate my life. I have done a lot of things, good and bad. I have accomplished many things, for myself and for others. And above all, I have touched the hearts of the people whom I truly reached out to. Or at least, I hope I did. Honestly, that made all the difference.
The day I die is a happy one, I do hope the sun is shining because I get cold so easily. I do hope it is Spring now, because the flowers bloom in such vibrance. I also hope that the soft wind blows, reminding you that I am always like the wind. To quote "A Walk To Remember", you can't see it, but you can always feel it. Please stop visiting me on my death anniversary every year. Honestly, don't.
Love, Me.
I know many people aren't exactly keen on the idea that someone would write a letter in preparation for their death. But life is fragile, and we have lost so many people dear to us. We have to be able to embrace death, instead of shutting the idea of it away simply because we lost the people dear to us to death. We have to understand that their life isn't measured by the moments before their death, but by the line in between their years.
Here's the making the best out of our lives, however long they may be.
Define it yourself.
Date / Time : Tuesday, January 12, 2016 / 10:52 AM
Hello there!
The previous day was challenging, to say the least. Many of my juniors and friends had been stressing their heads out over picking their tertiary education path, and it got us thinking about how stressed we were back then as well. It was an evening of giving advices and help to our juniors anyway. Here's to making wiser decisions about our future!
Also, I'm going on a Bangkok trip with my #nomoreexams plus one after graduation and I honestly can't believe we settled everything in one evening. It's crazy, but I'm so glad to be doing it with the girls who have seen me cry, scream, rant, pull my hair out, sleep on the floor, and give up on life at 5am in the morning at Cheryl's house.
Thank God those times were over.
Recently, I was talking to a friend about the importance of education and a stable future and all that rubbish your parents nag at you about when you're somewhere in your late teens. It occurred to me that I never once dreamed of having a stable future, despite Singapore being such a safe society. Therefore, it inspired my Instagram post yesterday, with the caption "Maybe I'm just a girl who's trying to get out of this fish tank of a lonely city."
Singapore is a crowded city, and sometimes even in this huge crowded city we get a little lonely. It seems vast and beautiful, but it is really just a fish tank where we're fed and kept like pets. For people who yearn the vast ocean and true company from people who understand you, Singapore could be suffocating at times.
Today, I decided to address the things (personally), I feel like will make the best out of life versus a life that is, well, stable, but not happy to say the least. I do hope that it makes a certain friend of mine feel like studies/stable future isn't always everything. This is for you, Daryl.
$2000/month versus $10,000/month
Yes, financial security is always a concern when it comes to life. We need money to buy houses, cars, clothes, and to actually provide for family. Many asians will tell you that they would want to earn enough money to repay their parents for their upbringing.
But money is usually earned from working. So actually, the main issue here is the career path in mind. A famous person once said that if you do what you like for a living, you never have to work a day in your life. I find that to be extremely true, because you're just having fun doing what you're passionate about.
For example. For a dancer, to be able to dance on stage for the rest of our lives is not working, it's fun. Confining a dancer into a 9-5 office job is restraining her wings, holding her back from that spotlight she so deserves on stage. Yes, being a dancer doesn't pay well. Indeed, it is a very unstable job with no financial security whatsoever. But we choose so, despite knowing the consequences.
People often nag about the lack of financial security, but honestly... These dreamers have had those thoughts a million times. The instability and money concerns would have run through their heads more times than you can imagine, and still they choose to pursue something they are truly passionate about. Why? Because even in the million times they have pondered over this issue, they chose what they love. There was no doubt, this was what they were meant to do in life.
Whatever you would want to nag at these people about, they would have had those thoughts too. You reminding them of these thoughts, wouldn't waiver them from their decisions. Rather, it will further convince them that their decisions to pursue the unconventional path was right.
When passion is stronger than your desire to earn money, you'll make the choice that makes you the happiest more so than the one that makes you the most money.
Happiness is not always Prada bags or the latest collections from Alexander McQueen. Happiness, could be sitting in a limousine watching the crowd huddle by in the cold. But happiness, could also be hugging in the cold subway train because that winter was extremely cold.
Happiness is a feeling that is highly subjective. This is why, what works for someone may not work for another. Happiness can be eating the best steak in a rooftop restaurant. Happiness, could also be her burning the steak she bought from the supermarket and him buying Chinese takeout to comfort her.
Happiness can be getting promoted to the manager of a big company with a lofty office facing the city. Happiness can also be sitting in a damp changing room alone, doing your own make up, to prepare for the spotlight shining on you as you dance on stage.
Happiness can be coming home to a family of children scoring As on their exams and a husband who looks gorgeous in an office suit. But, happiness can be coming home to her falling asleep on the couch in your oversized tee because she was so tired waiting for you to come home from your job that ends way past 10pm.
Happiness can be you winning the championship medal for her, and watching her jump in joy when you give the medal to her. Happiness, can also be her buying you comfort food at Mcdonalds' and showing you the amazing photos she took of you on court even though you lost the game.
Happiness can be you living in a condominium with a beautiful swimming pool and a view of the ocean. But, happiness can be complaining about living in a 3-room flat everyday but choosing to come home to your family anyway.
You see, happiness can be a lot of things. It works different for everyone, and leading a successful life can vary from individual to individual. Chanel bags and a stuffed teddy bear you won from the machine at the arcade can both be horribly romantic to a girl. A $10,000 9-5 office job and a $3,000 job where you work 8 shows a week can both be the dream job to someone.
So long as we can define success on our own terms, and work towards it, it does not matter what other people think of us. For success in our own perceptions, will bring happiness to our lives. And so long as we're happy, who cares what happens tomorrow.
People may have very different ideas of what I just said, and I'm sorry if you feel that way. But for someone who would choose the unstable arts career path over a stable business career path any day, you have to understand that my idea of happiness and success is highly different from the average young adult.
We don't need to be successful in others' mind, as with we don't need other peoples' opinions to validate our worth. We validate our own worth, with the goals we set for ourselves. Our only competitor is ourselves, and our only stepping/stumbling stone is ourselves as well. So long as we can convince ourselves that we're successful, maybe the world will start seeing us that way too.
Life, in all aspects, is subjective. It is defined not by, your family or peers. It is defined by yourself. If we can just keep telling ourselves that, we'll have the courage to pursue our dreams, however impossible they may appear. If we can just keep convincing ourselves of that, the world will believe in us too.
Honestly, in my opinion, that's all we need to be sure/confident of our choices. However stupid they may appear to others.
Here's to the dreamers out there who may have lost their way somewhere. Here's to finding our dreams again, even when we think it's too late. Here's to never ever ever losing ourselves.
Forever Young
Date / Time : Monday, January 11, 2016 / 9:57 AM
Hello there!
Today will be a very... challenging day, I must say, for many young people out there. Today, the O Level Examinations results will be released (somewhere in the afternoon) and that sure will bring about a lot of changes for many juniors I have out there. Here's to Jiasen and Zhaobin doing amazing for their papers!
Well, I came across an article on The Straits Times this morning regarding how Polytechnic students need lessons on current affairs, and how we don't know much about these issues due to the absence of the subject General Paper, also known as GP, in Junior Colleges. Much to the gratitude of several friends in FMS who shared the article. If you would like to read about it, the link is below!
So, I decided that it'd be appropriate today to write about my personal experience with polytechnic, and how the article, despite having been published on a credible and renowned source of accurate news in Singapore (although it was on ST Forums), was highly skewed.
The day I got my O Level Examination results was, difficult. It wasn't like examinations, where we'd be cramming little notes and formulas into our brains to keep us occupied before the papers. It wasn't like school examinations, where we got the results subject by subject. In fact, we had our parents by our side during PSLE that it didn't make much of a deal anyway. Our parents had a higher control over the secondary schools we were choosing.
By the time we took our O Level Examination results, we were more matured than we were at 12 years old. We had our own plans for our tertiary education path, and it was pretty scary for us.
Anyway, I got an L1R5 of (14 - 4) = 10, and a L1R4/L1B4 of (11-2) = 9. The minus points come from CCA achievements, and a HCL grade of B3. My worst, and most common grade, was a B3.
The subjects I took? Well I could tell you all the individual grades, but they don't matter anyway. In Nanhua, that was considered the average grade. To get a net score of 10 was... ok. I had my choices of Junior Colleges, and Polytechnics. However, I had my hearts set on Polytechnic anyway.
Since secondary three, I did not believe in aiming for a junior college education? Why? I simply didn't have the discipline to study my *** off for 2 years and regurgitate the information that I never wanted to learn in the first place. Furthermore, I refused to take 2 more years of Physics, Mathematics, and Geography that never once taught you anything about Geography anyway. All we did, was learn about tectonic plates. But then again, I never condemned junior colleges to be a bad path. It just simply wasn't the one for me. Therefore, I had my hearts set on Polytechnic.
Since I absolutely detest doing Math and Science again, I chose a most unconventional path. I chose to go into the courses of Arts Business Management, and Mass Communication. Of course, I wasn't a great fan of Mass Communication. However, it seemed like a pretty decent course with something interesting to learn. Little did I know how people worked their *** off to get into that course. I'm sorry to whoever I stole that spot from.
As I placed Mass Communication as my third choice, I knew well enough that that'd be the worst course I could get into. I would never get past my third choice. Well, I guess that's true. Either ways, I found it to be pretty easy for me to pick my polytechnic course because I didn't want to get into a junior college. Is it difficult to get into a university with a polytechnic diploma? Definitely. Is it challenging to discipline yourself to work hard for 3 years? You bet it is. But was it a worthwhile education, as compared to the junior college path? Personally, I'd say yes.
Now, to address that horribly skewed article.
I did actually write an entire post addressing the article and bashing all its points, but I decided otherwise to publish it. I could go on writing about how skewed the opinions on this article is, but this is, after all, his opinion. Bashing him completely would be the same as bashing Amos Yee's points of view anyway. That would make me no different from people who are bashing people's opinion, when we are all fighting for more freedom of speech in this society.
Being involved in the media industry has taught me a lot about opinions and assumptions. I am also in the fight for looser control on the Freedom of Speech in Singapore. We can't go around asking for more freedom of speech, and bashing people's opinions and telling them that they aren't allowed to have these opinions.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and we can think otherwise but we don't have to bash them about it. Why? Because nobody is wrong for thinking the way they do. Even if it was purely assumptions with little thought put in, it is their opinion and we should respect it.
Despite saying so, I believed that the article appeared at an appropriate time and students who are choosing between polytechnic and junior college should not be presented such a skewed opinion on polytechnic educations at this point in time.
Choosing between junior colleges and polytechnics should be based on the individual's passions and desires to learn. If you were a student who enjoyed studying math and science and have not actually figured out what specifically you would like to learn, go for the junior college path. For students who are sure of what they'd like to learn and couldn't afford a major examination again, opt for the polytechnic path.
Here's wishing the students good luck for their results. For those who are trying to get into FMS or Mass Communication, I only have one line for you. "We aren't nicknamed 'Forever Missing Sleep' and 'Mess Comm' for nothing".
Amen to graduation 2016!
Here's a song that would be appropriate for many people out there who are facing huge changes in their life.
I Dreamed A Dream
Date / Time : Wednesday, January 6, 2016 / 10:30 AM
Hello there!
I've been really busy with seasonal celebrations and haven't had the time to sit down properly to write yet. I've also really lose the feels to write until a few days ago! (I never ever complete my posts sigh) I figured that mornings are a good time to write because my brain is fresh and awake (well, I am more of a morning person!).
Anyway, I like to write about my New Year Resolutions on this platform usually. For the past few years, it had always just been Be Happy or Live Everyday Fully. But this year, with help from a friend, I've decided to make a better New Year Resolution!
I don't like to make a list of them because they are horribly difficult to keep. Set your standards low right? Hahaha. Anyway, while Xin Ru asked for my NYR to be Treat Xin Ru Better, I figured that I treat her well enough. Instead, thanks to Jia Sen, my NYR for 2016 will be to Drink Less Alcohol. Honestly, that is my NYR for this year. I've decided (finally, and about time) to reduce my alcohol consumption. This is seeing how often I drink, how much I drink, and the money I spend on drinking.
Don't bash me if I still drink, I'm not telling myself to quit drinking. I'm just saying that I will try to reduce drinking for this year! Wait for me to tell you when I gave up on that resolution in 2017 ok?
Ok, but today I'm going to write NOT about New Year Resolutions. Instead, I'm going to talk about Broadway Music. Honestly, music written for broadway shows are largely different than your usual popular music. While Taylor Swift does draw inspiration from her life to write her music, Broadway music are usually telling an actual story at that point in the musical. It is a musical after all, right?
Today, I'm going to write about my personal favourites for Broadway music. You may find it weird, but I do enjoy these music a lot!
#01: No One Is Alone (Into The Woods)
Into The Woods is not always the most popular musical, well not like Wicked at least. However, the way they weaved the fairytales into a twisted fairy tale musical just makes Into The Woods so much more intriguing than most musicals I've seen.
No One Is Alone is a song sung by Cinderella, the Baker, Jack, and Little Red during a point where they felt lost in the musical. Personally, I like the lyrics You decide what's right, you decide what's good. While Cinderella lost her mother, Little Red lost her grandmother, Jack lost his mother, and the Baker lost his wife, they realised that they were never alone. They were surrounded by love, and even without the guidance of the women of their lives, they had one another. There, they have to figure out for themselves what they believed was right or wrong.
Furthermore, the song is sung by all 4 key characters of the music, although the main vocals were handled by Cinderella. The voices come together beautifully, and are appropriate for a good song that joins all 4 stories into one tune.
It is a beautiful song, as with the musical. While it is mildly twisted, with the horrors of death (unlike fairy tales in general), there is a funny pull towards it.
// #02: America (West Side Story)
Honestly, hands down one of the better dance numbers ever done for a musical.
West Side Story tells the story of 2 rival gangs in America (whites versus coloured) in a time when America was societally divided due to the colour of their skins. In this scene, the dance number is done by The Sharks. The females in the story sing for America, while the males sing against it.
America is a beautiful song for both the music, and the dance arrangements. The exchanges done between males and females sarcastically makes for very interesting music. The dance exchanges between both genders are also comfortable to watch.
While most dance numbers are done with a huge group together, America is done as an argument song between the males and females within The Sharks. Therefore, it feels more like a dance-off more so than a mass dance number. Personally, I adore the moves the females used within the dance. The way they turn and dance with their dresses is gorgeous.
West Side Story is an interesting musical to watch for people who aren't so into musicals. It has a simple story line to it, with interesting music and a relatable story if you could pick out the deeper meaning behind their actions.
#03: Summer Nights (Grease)
Grease is hands down one of the most classic musicals written in their time. It speaks of the love between Sandy and Danny. This is one of the opening numbers, where Danny and Sandy sing (separately) to their friends of their love for each other. While Sandy talks about how completely dreamy it was, and Danny sings about how... well, triumph, he was; We all know that Sandy's version will definitely be the truer of the two.
This is a beautiful number, because it shows how Danny and Sandy come from different walks of life. While Sandy was a good girl who sings of staying up till 10 O'clock, Danny was a boy who sang of making out under the dock. This song reflects the common stereotype towards Summer Romance - it is romantic and beautiful during the summer, but the end of summer signifies the Goodbye toward the romance as well.
The song is also beautiful because we get to hear the exchanges between Danny and Sandy from line to line, describing the same instances in their own manner.
Grease is a very easy musical to absorb, very much like a Nicholas Sparks Novel-based Movie. However, Grease also involves the culture of America at that time. We get to enjoy a beautiful love story of two very different people coming together. Despite their differences, they fell in love and worked their way together. And, Summer Nights get to be one of the opening numbers that set their romance in place perfectly.
// #04: I Dreamed A Dream (Les Miserables)
(Ps. I prefer Anne Hathaway's reprise of the song because her emotions were so raw and beautiful)
Les Mis has have to got one of the better musical numbers among all musicals ever written. The show is set in a difficult time when people had the strongest emotions regarding their lives and their country. It was difficult for the people, and singing about it was a great way to express their inner emotions that weren't easily expressed through words.
One of my favourite numbers in Les Mis is this number done by Fantine, regarding her broken dreams and her estranged husband. She talks about she used to have such beautiful dreams and ideals, and how they are shattered with the departure of her husband. Leaving Cosette with her, she had to break her dreams to make a living for her daughter and herself.
It is very often that we face broken dreams, and sing about the times when we dreamed of so much ideals. Fantine's story is but one of the many, but yet set in a time when life was difficult on its own. With a story like hers set in a time like that, it made her emotions doubly strong. With the setting in place, I Dreamed A Dream possessed so much raw emotions in both the lyrics and melody.
Les Mis is a good musical for people who are looking for something a little deeper, a little harder to grasp. It has a beautiful meaning behind it, and was one of the musical that got me hooked into musicals in the first place. I absolutely adore the story of Les Mis, it is gorgeous.
#05: Not The Boy Next Door (The Boy From Oz)
A tribute to Peter Allen, The Boy From Oz sang of the life story for Peter Allen. Casting Hugh Jackman as Peter Allen himself, it isn't my first choice when I'm thinking of my favourite musicals. However, Not The Boy Next Door really impressed me.
Well, it could be that Hugh Jackman performed it. However, I truly enjoy the song. The lyrics were meaningful and expressive for a person who was a little different from the standard boy. It is almost a tribute to all the artistic people out there, who are a little afraid to show how they are not just the boy next door. It is indeed a play on words also, with the common stereotype around the girl next door. Not The Boy Next Door truthfully expresses the inner desires of some of us, that wasn't so common in the society then yet.
Tribute to Peter Allen for being so different, Hugh Jackman for bringing the music alive, and Not The Boy Next Door for letting all of us express the inner us that we may not be courageous enough to express openly.
I haven't actually watched the entire musical for The Boy From Oz, but I heard that it's pretty good. I don't actually know though hmmm.
There are so many good music from different broadway musicals, and I could continue listing them but then I'd bore you. For me, these are my personal favourites. The underlying meaning behind the songs expresses how broadway music isn't always just about singing the stories in the musical. Sometimes, they hold a deeper meaning.
Other amazing numbers will have to include Defying Gravity from Wicked, the entire Lion King Repertoire, selected pieces from Phantom, Hairspray numbers, Mamma Mia (c'mon you know it's catchy), and I honestly like some music from Hedwig. In fact, Les Mis has so many beautiful numbers that it could use up an entire post on its own.
My favourite musical of all times? I honestly can't choose. It is a close fight between Wicked and Les Mis, but I am a great fan of many others as well. Sigh.
Ending off, here's one of the chirpier songs from a musical very close-to-heart (for me) that could possibly make your day better!