Recollections of 2014.
Hello there!
I can't believe it's already the
last day of 2014, and we've come
so far into the 2010s. By tomorrow, we'll be into the last year of the first half of the decade.
In fact, I will also be entering my very last year in Poly. If that isn't fast, I don't know what is.
This is the
annual post I usually make about my life in the year and how the events have been, how they shaped me etc. It's quite
a good recollection of my year as I remember the nitty gritty things I thought I forgot too (: It's a good reminisce of the good and bad times alike YAY!
Lion Men 2014 ♥
This bunch of darlings came into my life at
the most unexpected timing, but
walked through a journey with me that we'll still remember today or tomorrow. When I decided to help out for Chingay @ Nan Hua, I never expected to have a steady group of friends who walked the entire Chingay with me. But
they taught me a lot in that 2 months.
We did the
most dangerous things together, being
human shields for the dancers and screaming across the F1 Pit to ensure everyone's safety. It was funny how
we get all anxious each rehearsal because we didn't know what
shit was coming our way HAHAHAHA. We just knew it wouldn't be good anyhow!
Despite that, we pulled through ♥
And now, we're still close friends that support one another all the time, and would talk at the most random/stupid timings.
But I think I've grown a lot with all of you, I hope all of you did too (:
FMS FBC 2014 - Leptis Magna ♥
By far,
one of the 2 biggest events of my year. I would say, definitely, this was a journey that taught me more than I had ever expected to learn.
With Leptis Magna, I grew into a leader. I matured and I began to understand
how to handle people better. Being an SL is a different journey as compared to being leaders in your CCAs in Secondary Schools/JCs.
When you're an SL, you're different. It's the rush you get during camp where you cheer like you're crazy no matter how little sleep you got the day before! ♥
I learned so much about bonding, working together with the people around me and I think we grew together too (: We grew from a tribe that didn't want to hang out together, to
the strongest tribe that stands today. In fact,
best tribe was such a surprising honour I'll always be proud of us (':
There, I've also
forged friendships I know I will keep for the rest of my life. They are the people I can trust and people I'm comfortable hanging out with. I can be myself and I know
they can handle my shits at 4am when I'm grumpy or
2pm when I'm high like I'm on drugs HAHAHAHAHA.
With this journey,
I also found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you Leptis Magna, I've had fun (':
Well it's a funny name for first. And secondly, it's made up of random people that don't quite fit together as a group
but did anyway. Although it started as a study group,
we ended up being closer friends that held onto each other during the tough days in school ♥ While it's difficult for us to hang out all the time, we're still tight like before.
I find comfort being with all of you and I can't imagine how comfortable we are with each other, regardless of who it is. We can be ourselves and
pour our hearts out at 3.30AM in the morning,
without judging one another. I can tell you my troubles, knowing that all of you will tell me the truth whether or not they sound nice.
I'm so glad I found this group of you back in August 2014, and I'm so glad we're still
retards together,
sitting outside Starbucks eating Llao Llao.
NDP 2014 ♥
Just like Lion Men, I never expected this. What was originally a "help out for one practice" with Germain @ NDP, turned into
a permanent "instructor" thing for the whole NDP journey. However, I would say that even though we complain about
sacrificing every Saturday,
we enjoyed each other's company a whole lot as well too ♥
We handled difficult situations and faced obstacles I never knew was happening while being a performer for the past few years.
I learned a lot, from all of you. Although the Saturdays are now over,
I'll always miss Saturday evenings with all of you, complaining about
how we can be doing something better than being at NDP HAHAHAHAHA.
Oh well, it's a journey well spent anyway.
Anyhow Arts 2014 ♥
While Leptis Magna is one of the two biggest events of the year,
here's the next.
my 5th year @ Anyhow Arts this year. I joined in 2010, being a Sec2 junior in Nan Hua Dance and completely not knowing anything HAHAHAHA. Back then,
we still performed under the 大风扇 and there was no lighting or air-con or black box studio concept.
this is my 4th year in the studio for Anyhow Arts, I would say things have changed a lot. My clique has mostly
left, leaving behind only Yanting, Yingpei, YingYing, Yokekay, Huiyi and I. In fact, Huiyi only returned this year after taking a 2-year break from AHA. I don't blame the rest though,
Army and
external commitments have broken the clique up anyway (:
This year,
I danced the least of the 5 years. While I've been maxing out every year, I told myself to stick to only 2 items this year. I knew school was a
huge commitment that I couldn't put down,
so I had to restrict myself!
The lines between the cliques have blurred this year and
we're just like one big family ♥ I like that feeling a lot, I know many people do as well (':
We moved into the studio during bump-in week and
brought food to cook! We stayed in the studio regardless of whether we had practices or not and I liked that a lot too ^^ Somehow, despite having a smaller family this year,
I think we were all much tighter.
In fact, I think I've never had so much
post-production fun before, as compared to this year. I'm also counting down with the dancers later! I can't wait for that to happen.
Thank you for teaching me so much about life and dancing, Anyhow Arts. Thank you for shaping the person and dancer I am today, because of 5 years ago ♥ Thank you so much (':
While the major events of my life took place on very different time frame, somebody stood by me through most of them. And
that would be the biggest thing that happened to me in 2014 ♥
Low Jian Hung.
He's the guy who wears
faded maroon bermudas with a black v-neck t-shirt and constantly changing slippers. He would hold everything in his Laptop Bag and
sweeps his hair a lot when he's walking. He has
slight golden dyed hair and a eye that can't look straight.
my brother when he fights with me over stupid things,
my mother when he nags at me over insignificant things,
my best friend when he gives me the most genuine advice over my problems,
my bimbo buddy when he shops with me in the most feminine shops,
my gaming partner when he plays Maplestory with me,
my nemesis when we refuse to see things each other's way.
Most importantly,
he's my boyfriend when he holds me to sleep at night and kisses me before tugging me into bed. ♥ He's the boy who tells everyone that he's in love with me and calls me cute when I'm in my PJs.
He find my mis-matched outfits acceptable and doesn't mind that I put
powder on myself after I bathe each time.
While he scolds me lazy for not bathing for over 1 day, he doesn't
force me to do it. Even if he was playing dota, he would immediately turn over to
answer my question over whether I look better in pink or blue. When he wants to eat 酸辣面 and I want to eat 牛肉面, we'll go to Le Nu. When he wants to stay home and I want to go out, we'll watch Doraemon at the cinemas (:
When I'm busy, he'll find something to do. When I'm free, we'll spend some time together until I'm busy again.
he doesn't like me dancing/talking about dance, and that hurts a lot,
he's the guy that I'm irrevocably in love with ♥
And I'm so thankful that 2014 brought you to me, on D4F Day.
I'm so thankful that God decided to give you to me as a gift, something I'll cherish in the days to come (:
2014 has been a tiring but fulfilling year. Even if it wasn't the best year, it has been a wonderful year. I know that
there's no sense hoping that 2015 will be better because God will always make time spent worth the while.
God will bless me with a good 2015, as he would with
everyone who believes in him ♥ I know it, and I believe in God.
Resolutions for 2015?
1) Be Happy ♥
I know I will be. Have a Happy New Year.