Of course,
we choose the content we want to share and that we keep to ourselves.
But these sharing platforms have a way of digging deeper by the day. On the first day you create a Twitter account, it will be tweets like
"Going to school now. I'm so tired!" but after a month, it may be "School sucks, can't wait to be gone". After a year? Maybe
"Hate school 'cause of that bitch. Hope she sees this."
I mean,
subconsciously our guard is let down and we open up more and more. It's quite scary actually, and I'm trying to
filter my tweets these days.
I used to put my Twitter on a public platform, and so was my Instagram. But I realised that
people were looking at my tweets (people who did not follow me but knew of me)
and judging me by my choice of words or photos. It was rather disturbing and I decided to shut these people out from my lives.
The thing is, not only do these platforms compromise our privacy. The way we interact with others compromises it too.
Personal Privacy.
Come on,
everybody has to have a certain amount of personal privacy. There are things we just don't feel like sharing and things we want to keep to ourselves or just a few close friends. People need to
respect that and stop
probing around to find out things they shouldn't be knowing! It's irritating because
you know they are doing it and you can't do no shit about it.
those close friends we confide in, please understand that it's a matter of our
privacy and we need the space too.
Our trust is betrayed for every person you share our personal matters with, and it isn't a very nice feeling we feel.
I don't need to tell everybody how I feel about every little matter.
Some feelings belong to me, and myself only. Some feelings belong to
a few close friends of mine. It doesn't matter how close you and I appear to be,
if I don't want to tell you please just stop asking! How hard is it to stop being so nosey about everything?
Some people say they do it
out of concern.
And I respect that. Nothing can go wrong with concern, whether or not it's used in the right way (:
However, please also understand that I respect it, yet it does not mean I want to give in to that. I thank you for the concern, but I believe I can handle the matter on my own and do not require your help.
Relationship Privacy.
Oh, this is such an
annoying topic I swear. I swear to God I need some privacy in that!
Firstly, let me give you a heads up on
a very beautiful group of people: Nan Hua Students. In Nanhua, we have the culture of
NEVER to probe into your relationship matters
unless asked. No I'm not kidding, at all. Nobody goes around asking about your relationship even if you cried in class.
It's not that we're cold hearted people who don't care, but because we believe that
you can handle it yourself with maturity and putting your own interests at heart. We allow the couple to deal with their own problems
with their own level of maturity and affection for each other. That's the respect we give to them and
the privacy we allow them to keep.
The thing is, Nanhua people do care. We care a lot. But we know sometimes, you can't always keep the emotions in. Sometimes,
your boyfriend argued with you over text and you can't help but put your head on the desk for
a quiet moment. We will ask if you're ok, and if you claim that you are,
then we'll give you the space and time ♥
That's the kind of privacy that includes
respect and
I understand that people care a lot, but
caring compromises your respect sometimes. I really hope people understand that
my relationship belongs to me, and the very few people I confide in or my partner confides in.
It belongs to the small group of us, not the entire world who know of us.
We share photos of our happy moments, we want to share it with everyone who know of us to let them understand that
we're happy together.
But when we're upset and troubled, we don't want to share it with the world and let them know how miserable we are. It's not about "
going through ups and downs together" but
keeping a certain amount of privacy so that we can handle things on our own maturely.
Please stop probing into my relationship unless I tell you/you know I'm comfortable with telling you.
It's really getting on my nerves, I'm not kidding.
Inner Thoughts Privacy.
I do dislike people, I like some people a whole lot too. And I don't need you to tell me that I have to keep that to myself because
nobody likes to listen to
negative things.
When we don't like somebody who is
renowned for negative matters, people will applaud us for sharing our dislike for the person too. We receive a high amount of support and
feel like it's perfectly alright to dislike the person and voice it out. Nothing wrong with that.
When we don't like somebody who is
renowned for positive matters, people will jeer at you. They will tell you that you're "wrong" for thinking this way and that
it's wrong to dislike the person, and worse, voice it out.
I have my own reasons for disliking a person or liking a person. Even if it was a misunderstanding, I don't need you to comment on my ability to understand people. I really don't need it. People don't like people for many reasons, sometimes we just cannot click and it just doesn't work for us!
Just because the person is
popular doesn't give us any less right to dislike the person. Stop telling me who I should like/dislike, because it's
MY thoughts and
MY opinion. Stop trying to shape my thoughts because it's
MINE for a reason.
Actually, that would pretty much sum up all the upset feelings I have on the matter of
I know many people will not like this post and think that it's targeted at them, but it's really not.
I'm putting this on a neutral tone without particularly aiming anybody/any happening.
I've had a lot kept inside me for quite awhile recently. Many things build up to form this unhappiness in me. And
I used to be a much happier girl when nobody cared about my relationship/my thoughts. No I'm not kidding, I'm serious.
If people don't enjoy the way I behave or share my thoughts/happiness or keep things to myself,
the door is open and you're welcomed to leave.
If there was anything that
Tumblr taught me, it's to
never keep people who are making you unhappy or trying to make you into somebody you don't recognise anymore. I won't hold the door for you, but you're free to leave.
Thank You.