Teachers' Day Celebration was fun yet boring :X The walk to CWP was okay ?? Recess was crowded. Got back Reports Slips ): Must I face the awful truth so soon ?? Celebration was boring, except Dance ♥ Dismissed soon, went to find the teachers' w/ the Girls :D Kept Alfreda&Co. waiting, Paisey :P
Chiong-ed to Clementi, met Huilin&Co :D Went back to QFPS ♥ Saw many people, teachers like MsTan, MrsNg, MrKhoo ! &Alumni aka The Boys, EeFaye&Co, Leeling&Co, Suresh&Co, Adam&Co, Xuanying&Co, Jeslynn&Xuanhao :D Took photos w/ many people too ♥ Ofc, what's a QFPS visit w/o gossips & camwhore & just running around ??Too bad I had to leave early ): Reached home only now anw, zao3 zhi1 dao4 !
Tomorrow's a holiday. Don't feel well now, bad headache ):
You never fail to make me laugh/smile.
Date / Time : Sunday, August 30, 2009 / 6:06 PM
Been very lazy to post :X Watching 黑糖玛奇朵 Brown Sugar Macchiato ♥ I've watched this at least 10 times ! :D It's a romantic love story, so boys won't like it :P Anw. Don't feel like going out tomorrow, so sorry, Huilin. Tomorrow's going to be a long/tiring day, hope everything goes fine.
Thanks for being w/ me when I'm sad.
Date / Time : Friday, August 28, 2009 / 4:13 PM
School was quite good(: Muse sucked though, all of us were chiong-ing except Guanlin -.- I have to help him w/ his work since he doesn't know what to do ... :X Cheena was composition writing, B-O-R-I-N-G ): Math was fun, divided into 5 groups, then had this Amazing Race ! ♥My group } Me, Annabel, Shixuan, Wenxin, Joey, Yuzhen, Bernice, Sihwee ♥ We ran around solving Math Questions, Hahahah :D
&My group won :D Prize = Greentea -.- The boys were quite sore losers though. Me, Annabel, Shixuan, Wenxin bought some Vanguard Sheets during Lunch, for Teachers' Day :D Me, Annabel, Shixuan, Wenxin, Yuanting, Jennwei brought them home to do :X Art was real fun(: MsNg talked about EOY Exam, and Prep Works stuffs. Dismissed soon :D Did Eco-Garden duty w/ Adeline&Yongjian ♥ Home soon(:
I'm busy busy busy busy busy busy now, but you can talk to me anw :D
I follow your rights&wrongs w/o asking.
Wangzi w/ Lolli :D
Date / Time : Thursday, August 27, 2009 / 8:00 PM
I'm feeling very unhappy now ): School was okay, running in the rain w/ the Girls ♥ Dance was good, tiring but good(: Debriefing at the hall really upset me :X We/I thought a lot about what some people said ... After Dance, went to Clementi w/ Gindelin&Xuejing ♥ Mrt-ed home w/ Huiping ♥ The two of us talked about a lot of stuffs. Home soon(: I almost cried on the way home :X
There's no Dance tomorrow, for once, I'm relieved ...
To some people ... Y'know who I'm talking about, some of you. You people may not like us to be close, but we're just trying to be friendly. If you people don't like it, tell us straight. We'll stop, b/c we're not annoying flirts. We're always getting the short end of the stick, the one making the first moves. But you people are not open-minded enough. Brothers&Sisters, it means a lot. Most of us treat you all like real brothers, but do you treat us like sisters ??
A mere "Hello" can mean a lot, it can show that you care. Some words/actions hurt, it's only we don't say. If you people don't like us, please say. We won't force you to, we won't. But please, stop treating us like strangers. It really hurts, it really hurts ...
Your smile/words can make me forget everything.
Photo credits to Alfreda(:
Date / Time : Wednesday, August 26, 2009 / 5:55 PM
Today is the 7th day of the 7th Month ♥ 七月初七,牛郎与织女相会 ♥
School was okay ?? Open space was spent slacking. Lessons were real boring & wasn't feeling well during Recess&Cheena ): Had Mock Test during Math, sucked :X Geography was boring ... ! English was fun, Tianyi was doing a Dance cum Soccer Move :D The class was real slack too(: After school, went to Clementi w/ Xuejing ♥ Home soon(:
Tomorrow's Dance :D Loveeeeeeeeeeeees within.
A smile, 3 words. That's all I need.
Date / Time : Tuesday, August 25, 2009 / 5:37 PM
School was boring :X Eco-Garden duty today w/ Yeeshong&Joey ♥ HomeEcons sucked b/c I couldn't do anything, SORRY GAVIN ): Lunch was fun } Me, Annabel, Xuejing, Yeeshong, Shanyou were playing w/ the PingPongBall :D Yeeshong soiled his pants btw, HAHAHAHAH !
Math was boring :X &ACC was interesting b/c we watched 赤壁 II ♥ I think the one who acted as KongMing is cute(: After school, went to Clementi w/ Xuejing, and Home(: No dance tomorrow, REST :D Decided not to chiong Math now, tmrw. 模范棒棒堂 now ♥
The sight of you hurts at times.
Muh 王子 in "爱到底" ♥ Hot while making his fringe ?? :D
Date / Time : Monday, August 24, 2009 / 10:50 PM
230th post, and I'm wasting it on someone not worth the while -.-
This is getting to my patience limit. No matter how busy I am, I make it a point to see them once a week, talk to them & stuffs. But you ?? You probably visit them once a MONTH, and see him once a DAY -.- Is it that hard to make some time for them ?? Is it ?? Why can I have Dance 3 days a week, and still able to skip outings on Mondays & Tuesdays just to see them ?? It's b/c I make the effort to. I may not be very nice to them, but at least I can see them smiling whenever I see them.
Yes, you do visit them occasionally. But do you know how much they wished that they can see you everyday ?? Dance is taking up 3 days of my week, and I regret not being able to see them from Wed-Sun. So I'm happy when I'm free one of these days to see them. Is it that hard, to talk to them ONE WHOLE DAY ?? You visit them for probably, 2 hours ?? and then you leave to see someone else for ... 12 HOURS ?? C'mon, you know they love you a lot, probably more than me. Yet I bother to take the time to see them, but you don't. I repeat, YOU DON'T !
Sorry if I've misunderstood you, I spoke at my point of view. If you think that you treat them, who took you up from baby till now, better than someone who you have known for barely 2 years, and probably not as patient towards you, then I have nothing to say. Or else, do think about it. They love you more than you love them, but you don't give them even 1/2 the love they give you, always.
Date / Time : / 5:36 PM
School was *speechless* :D The morning was cool, and history was fun b/c relief teacher let us slack ! The girls spammed the toilet, as usual ~ English was fun too, b/c we weren't allowed to talk, sign languages are funny :D Didn't feel well during lunch, so ponned enrichment, Hohohoh ! After school, Xuejing sent me to the busstop, saw Natalie, Chanhong, Leila. &We saw MsTan ♥ Home soon, fell asleep(: Feeling better now, shall chiong Home Econs :X
Thanks Crush aka Spy ♥ For the concern&nagging&caring&time :D Thanks Pink Lover ♥ for the concern&cheering-me-up :D Thanks Sweetard ♥ for the nice messages&care :D Thanks Pill2 ♥ for the care&concern :D Thanks Yeewai ♥ for the storybook-reading&try-hard cheer-me-up :D
Didn't go for Tuition today b/c I wasn't feeling well, Lol :X Spent my day watching 模范棒棒堂 again :D 王子 ! 邱胜翊 ♥ &I'm crazy over the song 我们的故事 by 張芸京. But I can only find the version by "Tension" ): I want the one 張芸京 sang ! :X
I'm still waiting for the DVD of 棒棒堂's 红墈演唱会 to come out ): &Downloaded many songs :D Completed my download of all of 棒棒堂 songs from last time till now, hohohoh ♥
Tomorrow's school, Boooooo ): I want my sleep.
You make my heart skip a beat.
Got this from 王子's blog :D This was taken during their Concert !
Date / Time : Saturday, August 22, 2009 / 10:13 PM
Late Post :X Spent my day entertaining myself w/ 模范棒棒堂 ♥ From shows to videos to songs :D Loved(:
Just talked to Jie about many things, from happy to sad. Oh God, I was like, crying ?? About some sad things ): Gaaaaaaaaah, so did she anw :X
Lazy to change colors / make effect, so Byes(:
Date / Time : / 2:53 PM
Hello :D I'm in a good mood today, sense it ?? It's b/c I slept for a full 13Hours ♥ I'm a Pig, w/e :X
I thought over it last night, why live in the painful truth, when you can choose to be living in a beautiful ignorance ?? So I'm going to ignore all the problems and SMILE ! :D
Study ): Play :D Dance ♥ Study ): Play :D Dance ♥ Study ): Play :D Dance ♥ Study ): Play :D Dance ♥ Study ): Play :D Dance ♥ Study ): Play :D Dance ♥
Thanks for that smile always.
Date / Time : Friday, August 21, 2009 / 5:08 PM
Today wasn't my idea of a pleasant day :X As said previously, my biggest mistake ): Muse sucked, all in my group except Guanlin could concentrate. Cheena was spent studying :D Math sucked, didn't go for lessons. I'm sorry, I couldn't face AC either. Lunch was boring. Elit was fantabulous ! ♥ First time passing, w/ 18.5/25 ! I was damn glad(: &Gave Gavin the present by 106, hope he likes it O.o
Art Test was tough, but finished it anw. It was raining like hell by then ?? Me, Annabel shared one umbrella, Xuejing took her spoilt one -.- They went to Clementi, I dropped off one busstop before them(: Home soon. I really want to rest this weekend and not think about all the problems.
It's not that I want to accuse or point out anyone, but I couldn't stand some people actions. I don't understand their decision, I'm sorry. There are a lot of problems going on, one after one. I really want to stop caring, I don't want anymore wars&fights, I want it to be like before. When we could laugh at anything & everything, and understand each others' actions. Why only look at each others' weak points, when you could be looking at their good ones ?? Please think over it, I love you people, and I hope you people will love each&everyone of us too.
To that certain person. Maybe you want to help us solve our problems, but wouldn't it be better if you didn't ?? Not that I'm saying you're a menace, but when you step in, it doesn't seem fair anymore. You only look at some people perspectives, but not all. Probably some of us don't think so ?? Why scold&accuse when you could spend the time to really understand the situation instead ?? Please, give us some time to solve our problems. I believe we can, and I believe those people ain't like some people / everyone accuse them to be. Time is all we need.
*This is not to scold/reprimand anyone. If you feel offended, do consult me about how you look at this. I'll be open to all perspectives :X*
Thanks for bringing me out of the pain reality for awhile.
Date / Time : / 8:23 AM
Now in computer lab for Muse Project :X I just made the biggest mistake of my life ! Feel like dying now ): I shall go commit suicide w/ Clarice :D AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! Regret for life ):
Date / Time : Thursday, August 20, 2009 / 8:19 PM
School&Dance ♥ PE was fun, batting :D &Assembly was cool too(: There was the councilors parade & star-3 leaders parade ! Pearlyn looked very smart&pretty, Jianbin looked funny w/ the AYG costume, HAHAHAH :D But our beloved Chairman&Vice-Chairman looked great all the same anw ♥ Lunch was spent w/ the Girls :D Biology sucked, 11/25 for CTs, I hate biology ): Spent 1/4 of Chinese tying hair in toilet. Shanyou&Yeeshong kept coming to see :X
Then we went back, Shanyou suan-ed. Had lessons, and there was this word, 野蛮 or smth ?? I pointed at Xuejing, Tianyi pointed at me >:( Dismissed soon, changed and went for Dance :D Did 考级课 & Malay Dance. Xuejing&Co. are out of it ): Boooooo. Clementi-ed w/ Xuejing to buy PaoPaoCha ♥ Home soon(: There's nothing on tmrw, goooooood rest !
Why can't I stop loving you ??
Date / Time : Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / 9:01 PM
Today was eventful, both sad&happy :X Last paper for CTs ! ♥ I'm veryvery glad :D I passed my HCL, Geography, Math, amazing ?? After school, waited for Clarice&Adeline w/ Yuanting&Huiping. Then, we went to WestMall to catch "UP". Very nice, we got our laughter at the expense of Yeeshong, HAHAHAH ! :D
Then, we walked around, before Clarice sent Me to Tiong & Huiping home. Thanks Clarice :D &I told my mom my results, elated that I passed. She told me that I should be getting 90% -'- I was so pissed that I almost told her that I don't want to study anymore -.- What's the problem w/ her anw ??
DarrenL, Look. I don't care if you hate me or not. I'm not a sister who would pity you to make you happier. I'm a sister who speaks the truth to you. If you think you're bothered/angry, so be it. You can ignore me for the whole 4 years, I'm absolutely fine w/ it -.-
Dearest, don't feel upset. You tried, you put in the effort, so it isn't your fault ! Many of us didn't have great results, but we know that we tried. Since you tried, no matter what results you get, there won't be regrets why you didn't try. People do not know the effort put in, so they criticize. But as long as you know you tried, don't be sad.
Thanks for your smile that made me strong.
Date / Time : Tuesday, August 18, 2009 / 4:48 PM
School was fun today :D Firstly, congratulations to LiangChoon for elected the 17th President of the Student Council(: Math paper was tough, ran out of time :X Home Econs was funny, we spent the 1.5Hours slacking in HERoom, waiting for everyone to finish the Menu Card ♥ But Tianyi really pissed me off -.- Lunch was funny. Me, Annabel, Shixuan, Xuejing talked craps, and discussing Horror Films ! Xuejing&Shixuan are freaked out by them :D
Math was boring, everyone almost slept. ACC was okay, chiong-ed Math Homework :X Dismissed, went to Clementi w/ Adeline, Xuejing, Annabel, Yingsuan ♥ We asked Yeeshong to fetched us, he shouted "CCK IS A CEMETRY AREA !" when Annabel said CCK. I think he wanted to shout "YOUR MOTHER DIE !" but couldn't :D Me, Annabel, Yingsuan took 96, Xuejing&Adeline took 183 O.o Came home soon(: &Readers' Digest are going bankrupt ! NO MORE WORKSHEETS, YAAAAAAAAY ! ;D
Shall go watch 模范棒棒堂 now, Loves ! ♥
We can no longer talk like before, Why ??
Date / Time : Monday, August 17, 2009 / 4:51 PM
School was tiring :X Elit was tough, I finished it w/ 1minute left, Lol. English sucked, over 3/4 of the class didn't do Readers' Digest Worksheet, Wth ?? -.-
Swimming was tiring, I didn't plan to play ): Xuejing wasn't feeling well, so was Eunice&Adeline. The first game was a light, easy win.
But got quite warmed up. Second game w/ 111 was tougher, so I got quite Despo again :X I always get Despo while playing the games, -.- Then we rested while 105&111 played. Lied on the ground and tried to sleep ♥
Went back class for Remedial. Then discussed some stuffs w/ the girls before going to Clementi w/ Xuejing&Adeline :D Went home, plopped on the bed & slept, Lol. Going to chiong my MenuCard & Math, Tiring ):
Your smile always manage to melt my heart.
Date / Time : Sunday, August 16, 2009 / 4:08 PM
Tuition was tiring ): Science was okay, but Math was simply dreadful. Came home soon(: Tomorrow's school, don't look forward. Yeah, I don't :X Shall go find some old 模范棒棒堂 to watch to kill time ♥
Please take me away to a mysterious land.
Date / Time : Saturday, August 15, 2009 / 12:38 PM
Woke up early in the morning to go to school :X Class comprised of } Me, Xuejing, Clarice, Shixuan, Wanling, Qiaoyuan. Tianyi, Stanley, Joel, Junwen, Xianwang :D It was quite fun, solving the questions, and MrChan kept calling Xuejing. In between, we had a break(: The girls went to watch Tianyi&Tianjun play soccer from the 2nd floor ♥ Dismissed soon, walked to bus-stop w/ Shixuan :D
Mrt-ed home, I'm feeling damn hungry ): Nobody's home, I'm glad ♥ Shall go find something to eat, and watch my k.o.3anguo in peace.
When will you ever understand my love ??
Date / Time : Friday, August 14, 2009 / 5:07 PM
School was boring :X My Chinese is going to suck too, I just know it. W/e -.- Could see everyone working hard during Math :D 106 ♥ Art Test was tough, 2 weeks. I've only begun on painting, Gosh ! :X Stayed back for the interview for Muse Project again. Guanlin was engrossed in playing soccer when we tricked him up :D
The interview was boring ): Joey was waiting for me for damn long ! Went to Clementi w/ Joey, Tianyi, Guanlin, Yongjian, Gordon ♥ Thanks Yongjian for the chewinggum ! Tianyi kept saying I damn jiao -.- Went home(: Tomorrow's Remedial, Wtf. Wasting my Saturday morning ):
You locked your gaze on me, I was lost from reality.
Date / Time : Thursday, August 13, 2009 / 5:34 PM
My Facebook Profile is on the Friz, so ... [Quiz]
If you enjoyed your primary school years, you'll do it. If you have nothing else to do, you'll do it. If you're here to read the questions/answers and pretend to hate to do it, deep down you'll still do it.
This tag is so fun because the answers can go on and on. Read if you miss your PRIMARY school years.
1) Which school did you go to?: Qifa Primary School ♥ 2) What classes were you in?: 1C, 2C, 3E, 4E, 5Eo7, 6B08 :D 3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?: Recess ! 4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?: 9.30AM for LowerPri, 10AM for UpperPri. 5) List down your favourite food/snacks: Truckloads :D
Style 1) Did you have a nickname way back in primary school?: Zhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♥ 2) How did you wear your socks?: Low, Low & Low. 3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?: I ain't that bad :X 4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?: Uhhuh ? 5) Who did you look up to when you were in primary school?: Nobody :D
Punishment 1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class: I was called a Pirate b/c of my Fringe ! ): 2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?: Truckloads (Chinese), Camwhoring away in Toilet ♥ 3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished: Uh, attire-wise ?? 4) Did you vandalize any school property: Drawing/Carving on tables :X 5) Did you ever make any teacher cry?: 马老师, she was damn angry, I think ?? 6) Who was your favourite teacher? MsBanu, MsTan ?? :D 7) Describe your DM: Funny but strict :X 8) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?: MdmYar ! (Music Teacher)
Social Circle 1) Were you popular back then?: N-O. 2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?: A big group of girls ♥ 3) Who were your best friends?: Beans ♥ 4) Did you and your friends have nicknames?: Many of them(: 5) What were your favourite memories of you and your friends?: Countless :D
Co-curricular Activities 1) What type of CCA were you in?: Dance ♥ 2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?: BalletShoes, Tights, Tie Pleats. 3) What did your CCA required you to do?: Dance, Dance, Dance :D 4) Got injured?: Uh, depends ...
Crushes/Lovers 1) Who was your first crush?: I'm 6Years away from Primary1 -.- 2) Are you in good terms with your last crush?: I supposed so ?? 3) Did you ever had a relationship with anyone in your primary school?: Yeah ..... 4) Have you ever made out in school?: NO !
Closing Ceremony 1) How did primary school changed you?: A lot, A lot(: 2) Sing one verse of your school song: Qifa, Qifa, Qifa our pride and our star ♥ 3) What was your favourite question?: Idk ?? 4) Who/what will you remember from your primary school?: Everything, Everyone ♥ 5) Any memories you will not forget: I'll remember everything, forever.
School was tiring :X My English will suck too ): But Sihwee motivated me to study, so YAY ! :D Relief Biology teacher sucked !Flirt, Biased. Bopian, we kenna loh ?? After school, Clementi-ed w/ Xuejing&Adeline ♥ Home soon(: Missed DSA Today )))))))))))))))))))))): Natalie&Co. saw it though ! Boooo ! Oh, going to Mug for my Cheena now :D
&DarrenLee's down w/ a Fever, I'm trying to control my laughter, Hahahah !
Visions of you filled my mind&heart.
Date / Time : Wednesday, August 12, 2009 / 4:56 PM
School was ... ? I'm going to flunk my history, I know it. Anw, bottom-ed 106 for Physics Class Test, 4/25. They say I'm pro :D Yuzhen was funny during Geography. Did Muse Project during English, Guanlin&Yongjian were making me laugh like @*#^*(^& ! ♥ After school, went home. Left my phone on the bus, luckily I got it back soon(:
Meteor Shower Expected Tonight ! ♥♥♥ I believe in them, so what ?? I hope it's true O.o
Seeing you, I just couldn't smile.
Date / Time : Tuesday, August 11, 2009 / 7:47 PM
Random Post :X Just to post about this video:
Don't really like SNSD ( Girls Generation ), b/c they seem very act cute. But ohwell, this song's nice :D
Date / Time : / 5:50 PM
My internet's way down, so I have been spending my time reading "The Three Kingdoms" :D
The Mapwork in Geography Test was so unexpected ! She told 106 that there wasn't Mapwork ! Wth ?? She is damn asshole :X Stayed back after school for English Remedial. Totally regretted wasting my time. She dragged from 3.45pm to 4.30pm. How cool is that ??
Clementi-ed w/ Many 106 ♥ There were people like ... Xuejing, Adeline, Tianyi, Annabel, Guanlin, Weiquan, Gordon. Amongst those, nobody took the same line as me !Tianyi was laughing at me when they boarded their train. Luckily, saw Yuzhen in the train ♥ Home soon(: Trying to study History, but I don't have my history book, thanks to Marvin Ng -.-
Felt damn low today, somebody made it worse.
Tag Replies at others' people blogs :X
Words written by Shixuan.
Date / Time : Sunday, August 9, 2009 / 4:09 PM
Tuition was calm, b/c many people weren't present(: Came home soon. Now, K.O.3anguo ♥
I don't know why people get pissed off b/c of petty stuffs, and expect others to apologise :X I did something that you didn't like, and it becomes my fault. Why should I apologise ?? &When I refused, it made me unreasonable. Uh, who was the one who was unreasonable & petty at first ?? Me ?? -.-
I run away from reality when I look into your eyes.
Date / Time : / 10:21 AM
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY ♥ The only NDP Memory I have:
*There was a previous stupid edition. Tried to cover it up :X
Date / Time : Saturday, August 8, 2009 / 9:20 PM
Went to Orchard w/ Jie today ♥ Sent Timothy to MRT first. Did Flag Day w/ her, Lol. Do until Supposingly 1pm - 4pm. We reached at 1.20pm, did until 2.30pm and went to shop :D Bought shirts&stuffs. Went to do a bit more at 3.30pm :X Dover to sign the CIP form, then off to Tiong.
Walked around, waiting for Timothy. Had Mcdonalds' then came home. Planned to play basketball, but too tired/late. Shall go watch K.O.3anguo now ♥
School was boring :X When I reached school, saw Annabel :D Both of us didn't know where to sit, 105 & 107 sitting together, and there was no 106rians to be seen -.- Saw some girls, then settled down. Jemaine was great on the band ♥ The parade was ... okay ?? At least it wasn't that hot. Had CCA Prize Presentation. Merrien led for Dance, followed by Jinghui, Yiyang, Wenxuan, Joanne, Jiaen, Tianjun, Evelyn, Liangyuan, Huisan ♥Exco w/o Nicholas.
Then went up Hall for exhibitions. Me, Annabel, Shixuan spammed at 106's booth ! What do you expect ?? We're 106rians Forever ! Spammed at least 40 per person :X
At 9.30am, gathered. MrLiu played on the Piano, then went downstairs. It was scorching hot ! ): Had another prize giving ceremony, then had Singing time :D MrLiu led the singing w/ the Choir. He was damn high ?? Like concert, people upstairs were like crazy fans, paper aeroplanes too. Dismissed soon, then cleared the booth w/ the girls.
Went to Clementi w/ Adeline, Clarice, Huiping, Yeewai ♥ Had a nice talk about Boys w/ Them, while eating Mos Burger. I went off soon. Came home. Slept until now, Lol. Happy National Day Weekend, people :D
Edited: Dinner @ Vivo w/ Jie&Timothy ♥ Subway's nice(: Bought a Bag for Jie, then Arcade :X My hair's damn screwed today, fuck -'-
I'm missing you ):
Date / Time : Thursday, August 6, 2009 / 9:02 PM
School was fun :D Huiping, Xuejing, Clarice ponned class, BOOOOO ! ): But lessons were funny anw. After school, went for Dance ♥ 9/20 Attendance, ohwow ! :X Did 考级课 and Chinese Dance. I like the cloth, very fun. The other Dancers came at 5pm -.-
Taught them the Cloth, then did 大跳. FUN :D Dismissed soon. Tianyi's parents sent us to Clementi, woooooh ♥ Bought paopaocha w/ Xuejing&Huiping, Mrt-ed home w/ Huiping. Saw KennethLUM on the MRT, Lol :X Tomorrow's National Day Celebrations, I think it's going to suck. 106Girls, Full Uniform okay ?? :D
小明 claims that he's lovable :X
I saw this on youtube. People actually took it down :X
Date / Time : Wednesday, August 5, 2009 / 5:14 PM
It feels empty w/o going for Dance on Wednesdays ): Open Space was funny, Shanyou&Co :D Had Math Mock Test & English Test, Wtf ?? I'm bombarded w/ tests :X After school, went to Clementi w/ Annabel, Xuejing, Huiping ♥ MRT-ed w/ Huiping to Tiong. Had lunch and shopped awhile, our lollipops ! :D Came home soon.
Somebody's making me very worried&upset now ):
Date / Time : Tuesday, August 4, 2009 / 5:16 PM
Blogger's screwing up again, Fuck -'- School was fun(: I thought I would flunk my sewing test, but passed(: Total : 20/30 ♥ Not the best, but very glad. Shanyou failed btw. Physics was totally unprepared and w/o time. I'll bet I'm going to flunk it ):
ACC was funny :D After school, clement-ed w/ Huiping, and Home soon. Sec1 won't have to go for MrLoh's practices from this week onwards. Boooooo ! ): I'm going to be so god-damn bored manzxczx.
Date / Time : Monday, August 3, 2009 / 4:42 PM
Mondays are becoming something depressing ): Lessons were funny, b/c everyone were joking here&there. Swimming was ... :X I became real desperate when playing Basketball. That Fat-Ass Amanda sucks -'- Say we scold your friend, you never scold meh ?? Slacked awhile, played around(: Dismissed soon. Clementi-ed w/ Adeline, Huiping, Xuejing :D Bought PaoPaoCha, home soon.
Wenxin, Dearest: You're a friend, whom I don't need to express my full love for you directly, but you will understand. I may not know you well, but I know, to me, you're a great friend. Someone who would be there when I need you. So I'll be there when you need me too, b/c that's the main reasons friends are friends ♥
Huiping, Sweetard: Actions don't mean anything, Thoughts mean something. Quarrels are common in a friendship, but that's what makes them stronger. Friends do last forever, it's the will that decides. I believe you're a friend who would last forever, and I'll do anything to make sure that our friendship lasts forever ♥
I believe in happily ever after, so what ??
Date / Time : Sunday, August 2, 2009 / 4:09 PM
School Blues ): Tuition was tiring, pure tiring. Slow Sunday, My style ♥ Don't come so fast, Monday. I'm not ready for school yet.
You are the reason I go to school.
Date / Time : Saturday, August 1, 2009 / 6:14 PM
The morning was hectic. Preparing the clothes, blah&blah. My attire was pure white ♥ PoloTee w/ Short Flare Skirt :D Dad came and fetched us to the Hotel. The Eurasians were ... :X Soon, had the church thing. Boring much. Then went off to the food :D Fulfilling, I suppose ?? Jie&Timothy went to feed the squirrels, I watched. They don't look as cute as in cartoons ):
Went off soon, Had a funny time listening to coversation b/w a Singaporean&Eurasian. Don't think they understand each other -.- Came home(: Photos below, Much more w/ Dajie ):
Tag Replies: clarice lim: Hahah, I tried to help you :X D.AWN(:: Okay, will relink(: ANNABEL !: There ?? Where ?? O.o